
9 End of the Year Gift Ideas for Students

The end of the year is always a busy and exciting time for students and teachers alike. However, one of my favorite parts is getting my students their end of the year gift. I’ve put together a list of some end of the year gift ideas for students they love and are inexpensive for teachers!

Every year, I feel like I end up changing it up and getting my students a different gift that fits my students that year, so I wanted to share some of the things I have done for my students in the past as their end of the year gift.

1. Books

One great option is to buy your students a book and write a personalized note in the front that they will treasure forever. I always keep my eye out for dollar book deals from Scholastic Book Club. They typically have a one dollar book per week. You could buy all your students the same book or pick out books individually for each student based on their interest.

This is a great way to keep students reading over the summer and give a memorable end of the year gift!


2. Something Sweet (Candy)

I don’t know about your students, but mine LOVE anything sweet! From skittles, blow pops, gum, and everything in between. This is a quick, simple end of the year gift that can be personalized using gift tags. I use these tags almost every year with my gifts! I have even used them to write short notes to my students on the back of the tag. Their faces always light up when they see these sweet surprises.


3. Popsicles

Popsicles are a great way to stay cool on hot summer days! Where I live in Georgia, the summer heat comes on quickly! These are a great way for students to cool down after a fun day outside.

You could give students their own popsicle molds or just buy a large pack of popsicles, so students can just take them home and stick them in the freezer.


4. Sunglasses

Another great end of the year gift idea for students is to buy inexpensive sunglasses from your local dollar store or online. Sunglasses are perfect for the bright summer sun while students are outdoors playing.

5. Bubbles

Depending on the age of students you teach, bubbles can also be a great option. Young students especially love bubbles. Bubbles can usually be found at Walmart in packs of 5-6 which makes these another great inexpensive gift for students.


6. Personalized Water Bottles

Water bottles can also be found at your local dollar store or Walmart. Students’ names can be added on using markers, paint pens, or vinyl. Students of all ages are sure to love this gift!

The bottle could also be filled with another surprise like candy, pencils, erasers, or any other small toy that your students would enjoy. I found this water bottle at Walmart for $1!


7. White Boards

At your local hardware store, shower board can be cut into smaller pieces that make perfect personal sized whiteboards for students. Many times, the hardware store (Lowes I know) will cut the large shower board into smaller pieces for you for free. The Lowes I normally go to, even knew I was a teacher before I could explain. Apparently, it was a popular gift idea that year.

If you have a Circuit Machine, you could even add their names on the board using Vinyl or Paint Pens. This gift is always one of my students’ favorites year after year.

8. Beach Balls with Classmates’ Signatures

This is a great gift and fun activity for the last day of school. Beach Balls can be purchased at the dollar store or online for around $1. On the last day of school, students get to blow their beach ball up and spend time signing each other’s beach balls using a Sharpie. This is a great activity for the end of the year and a gift students are sure to remember.

9. T-Shirts with Classmates’ Handprints and Signatures

Just like the beach ball end of the year gift idea, another idea is to use t-shirts instead. With t-shirts, students could also add their entire handprint and sign their name next to it. This would be a great way for them to remember how small they once where!

Most Important Thing to Remember for your End of the Year Gift:

Your Students

The most important thing when it comes to picking out an end of the year gift for your students is to keep them in mind! No one knows your students better than you do! Use your knowledge of their likes and interests to help pick the perfect gift for them! I hope you have gained some end of the year gift ideas for students. I would love to hear what you chose! Comment below and let me know!

Click here to grab an End of the Year Gift Tag FREEBIE!

OR you can grab all my End of the Year Gift Tags for Students by clicking here or the image below!


What are some gifts you have given your students? Let me know in the comments, so we can get even more ideas!

Pin these gift ideas for later!


Check out our other blog posts of more tips and ideas.

Have a great summer,

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Hi, I'm Kendall!

I’m a third-grade teacher, wife, dog mom, and owner of Giving Grace Teaching. I enjoy helping teachers by creating engaging educational resources! I live in a small town in Georgia with my husband, James and our dog, Drake. 

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